Lifestyle tips that can help improve your skin
Have you tried every product under the sun and your skin is still is giving you some grief? By changing or improving just a few habits in your lifestyle, you may find your skin will improve.
Drink lots of water
If you would like one easy way to help your skin glow, drinking water is one of them. Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies and is predominately made up of water. By not keeping our skin hydrated it will become dry, tight and even flaky. Dehydration in the skin can also result in ageing.
Keep your skin hydrated with approximately 8 glasses of water a day to help achieve glowy, fresh, clear and healthy skin.
Check your stress levels
Stress can affect your whole body including your skin. Unfortunately, stress can increase the body’s production of hormones, causing the skin to decrease its ability to fight off skin bacteria’s and/or making the skin oilier.
It’s important to keep your stress levels under control for your mental health and well-being. Some stress management techniques are breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, social outings, relaxing time with family and many more. Find what’s right for you to help your stress levels lower while, as an added bonus, improve your skin.
Limit your sun exposure
It is a well-known fact that the sun can cause major skin damage. Especially with how strong the sun can be in summer it is vital to have a plan of attack when it comes to sun safety.
Fortunately, a lot of brands include sun protection now, making it easier to look after your skin. It is important to not only limit your sun exposure but to wear a moisturiser that includes SPF every day. Even if you are working indoors the UV rays can penetrate through windows, and still effect your skin.
Eat clean
Beautiful skin comes from within, making it imperative to watch what you eat as it can affect your skin’s complexion.
By incorporating a range of different healthy food groups, it can result in many benefits for your skin. Vegetables contain powerful antioxidants which are beneficial for normal skin cell development and a healthy skin tone. By including Vitamin C in your diet, it helps support your immune system, radiate your skin and help blemishes to heal. Vitamin E is also a valuable vitamin as it helps fight oxidative damage to your skin. Healthy fats found in foods such as: avocados, oily fish, nuts and seeds can provide essential fatty acids which act as a natural moisturiser for your skin, keeping it soft and improving elasticity.
Sourcing Omega-3 in your food can be extremely beneficial for your skin as it creates anti-inflammatory compounds. Zinc is also a great mineral to include in your diet as it can help restore skin damage and keeps the skin soft and bright. Cutting back or eliminating sugar is also vital for healthy skin as sugar can cause glycation and can lead to break down of collagen.
Prioritise sleep
Sleep is very underrated when it comes to skin care health. While you are sleeping, your body has to chance for its repair mechanisms to swing into action. By not getting enough sleep it puts stress on your body, causing it to release more adrenaline and cortisol, which can generate breakouts and other skin problems. Therefore, by getting a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep it can not only make you wake up fresh but also help improve your skin.
Change your pillowcase… regularly
This approach seems very simple to help your skin… and it is. Every night you lay on your pillowcase and therefore it builds up of oil, dirt and sweat. Over time this combination can harbour bacteria and create damage to your skin. So, it is important to wash your pillowcase regularly to reduce the build-up. However, fabric softener can also irritate your skin, so for extra protection it is recommended to not use softener while washing your pillowcases.
Clean your makeup brushes
Make up brushes are one of those things that you always seem to forget to clean however you shouldn’t as we put them on our faces almost every day. Over time, they can build up with bacteria, dead skin cells and oil. Clogging our pores and creating dull, irritated and acne prone skin. By cleaning them regularly they can clean your skin clean, apply your make up smoother and not to mention keep your brushes in good condition so they last longer.
Have plants in your home
Yes, you heard me right! By incorporating fresh plants in your home, it can help improve your skin. The theory behind this is by putting fresh greenery in your house it allows for a higher air quality which is ideal for your skin. Plants purify and produce moisture in the air, helping your skin stay hydrated during summer. So, house plants can help your skin and make your interior look stylish? What more could you want?
Well, there you go by changing just a few daily habits or lifestyle behaviours you can improve your skin’s health, complexion and ageing. After all, every bit counts!