How is winter different to summer? A guide to caring for your skin this winter

As the seasons change, our skin care needs do too. Going from warmer temperatures to the cold of winter can have significant effects on our skin and you may find that your favourite go-to moisturiser is no longer doing the trick.
During the warmer months, our skin tends to be oilier. With exercise in the heat we perspire more and this can result in a break-out of acne and pimples. In summer, it is advised to stick to a lighter moisturiser or an oil-free one if the breakouts are quite frequent. Changing to a cleanser such as our Aspect Dr Deep Clean can also aid in exfoliating the dead skin cells and reducing oil build up. Mattifying serums such as our Multi B can also help control sebum production and still give the skin the multivitamins is needs in all seasons.
As winter kicks on, it’s easy to keep using old faithful products out of habit, but you may find they’re not doing the job they once did. This is simply because our skin care needs are different in the cooler climate. Oil production is reduced, and as we spend more time indoors in the heating, or outdoors in the cold and wind, our skin becomes dehydrated. That healthy summer glow can suddenly appear dull, dry and flaky. Our skin can sometimes feel tight from dehydration. Simple changes may only be to change to a rich moisturiser for extra hydration, such as the Aspect Dr Resveretrol or SMC in the Aspect Gold range. Remember to exfoliate at least 2-3 times a week to remove dead skin cells and build up as cell turnover slows down in winter. A weekly treatment of the Cosmedix fruit enzyme mask for 3-10 minutes is amazing at removing cellular build-up while putting hydration back into the skin. Drinking lots of water can also replenish hydration. Fatty fish such as sardines, salmon and tuna contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, along with antioxidants and taurine, a nutrient that promotes growth of skin cells that will help maintain a healthy glow during the colder months.
Most importantly, always use an SPF even if the sun is hidden behind dark clouds. Sun is the biggest cause of ageing skin. Here at Complete Skin we offer both a physical and chemical block from sun damage in the Aspect range. If you’re unsure about the right skincare to use in winter, call into Complete Skin and have one of our friendly staff members assess your skin care needs and get you prepared for winter.